Perrera Olivenza ... une entreprise qui ne connaît pas la crise


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For non-Uk campaigners; please use the EU link given and then select your nation and your regional MEPs.
The process is identical to the one given below.
This is an urgent appeal which could help save the lives of many thousands of stray animals right across Europe in the future.
If you look at the following link you will see that we have until 7th May latest to get 396 or more signatures to support the written declaration for stray and pet animals.
At the moment, we have around 170 from MEPs right across Europe.
So we are in need of at least another 225 or more from across Europe.
I am trying to get support and a signature from Uk MEPs. BUT one of the problems I have experienced to date is that IF YOU ARE NOT DIRECTLY FROM THE CONSTITUENCY REGION; ie. South East, East Midlands, or North West, then the MEPs do not really want to get involved with an alien from another part of the country.
This coming week at the EU, a lot will be happening to try and get a result with regard this Written Declaration. On Wednesday 22nd there will be a demonstration and a press conference. Invitations have ALREADY been sent out to every MEP asking them to attend this.
On Thursday 23rd, campaigners have been given permission to visit offices of MEPs and to talk to them directly about the stray and pet written declaration. If they are lucky they will be allowed to say a few words about why the legislation is so important. MEPs will be be given a dossier and material on the stray situation throughout Europe.
So, I am writing this because I require support from Uk campaigners. I would love them to telephone any (or all) of the MEPs ONLY FROM their particular constituency (Region) of the Uk and ask them please to give their signature to the written declaration.
One of our German campaigner friends says in a mail to me:
Jo Leinen, a German MEP, who said that most of the parliamentarians didn't even know about the existence of the declaration because they are being so overflooded with written information, hundreds of declarations lying about, thousands of mails they don't read anymore....Someone in Germany has called about 60 parliamentarians by now and Leinen seems to be right. Most of them didn't have any idea of the declaration's existence but it seems that they or their secretaries have all been quite friendly.
If we can keep it to regional campaigners contacting their own regional MEPs ONLY then we have a much better chance of getting a result, especially as the EU elections take place in June and then the MEPs will be after YOUR VOTE for them.
The following link gives details of how to find your MEPs:
First go to
Then click on the Uk map; you will be presented with a list of 12 constituency regions for the Uk.
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Click on the area in which you live; ie. Kent would be South East.
This will then give another list of all the MEPs who represent that region.
Click on each and every one of the names on the list and you will get a personal profile of that MEP. At THE END (BOTTOM) THERE WILL BE TELEPHONE NUMBERS GIVEN TO CONTACT THAT MEP DIRECT IN BOTH BRUSSLES AND STRASBOURG.
The Parliamentarians (MEPs) schedule is a follows for the next couple of weeks; they will be in:
Strasbourg the 20th - 24th of April,
in Brussels the 27th - 30th of April
and again in Strasbourg on the 4th - 7th of May.
Please can you telephone the relevant MEP at the relevant location using the procedure given above.
As said, we now have around two more weeks to get lots of extra signatures to the declaration. Europes strays need to be protected, and this is the only immediate way to start to achieve this.
Thanks Mark Serbian Animals Voice - Kent, Uk.
A copy of the written declaration can be found at:
There is lots more info and graphic pictures of strays in Europe at the SAV site:
Diana and I have produced the paper on Serbian strays for the EU press gathering and information pack to be handed out next week in Brussels. The paper is attached as a pdf file.
Please look at the pictures of the strays on the document, and then tell yourself that you are going to act for the stray animals on the EU. We just need phone calls to your regional MEPs during the next two weeks at the latest; nothing more.
This is our big chance for strays, and we must get a result !
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